Bordetella is a bacterium that causes upper respiratory infection in dogs. It is one of the more common causes of “kennel cough” and the vaccine is therefore often required by daycare and boarding facilities. Some groomers will also require the vaccine. Bordetella causes a dry cough, often with retching. The cough is typically described as having a “honking” sound. Most mild cases will resolve within one to two weeks without treatment.
However, some dogs can develop secondary infections or pneumonia and require treatment. Bordetella, like the other causes of kennel cough, is highly contagious. It is easily spread through respiratory secretions in the air or via direct contact with an infected dog. If your dog is a regular at daycare, boarding facilities, dog parks, or groomers, the Vet Set recommends vaccinating her for Bordetella. The vaccine can be given in home yearly unless it is required every 6 months by your boarding facility.